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SiTT Steering Team  


Steering Team Members: 

Sophie Sansom (Nov 2021 to present)

Roly Oliver (Nov 2021 to present)
Andrea Durant (Nov 2021 to present)
Debbie Hu (Nov 2021 to present)

Elizabeth Upward (Oct 2023 to present)

Martin Hewitt (Oct 2023 to present)

2024 Meeting Dates:


See SiTT Steering Team What's App Chat for updates

Please see the document link below for our draft constitution.


Link to Constitution 2022 (pdf)

Past Steering Team Members: 

Kathy Ward (Nov 2021 to June 2022)

Quaterly Group Coordinator Meetings 

2024 Meetings 


See SiTT Group Coordinators What's App Chat for updates

SiTT Group Guidance 

Please see the document link below for an overview about SiTT Groups, what to expect in a SiTT meeting, example session themes, guidance for facilitators, guidance for coordinators and information about the SiTT Community.


Link to SiTT Handbook 2022 (pdf)

Link to SiTT Handbook 2022 (doc)

Useful Links 

Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP)

Since 2001 Bangor have provided professional training for mindfulness teachers as well as conducting research. 

CMRP offers training to teach and professional development courses to support mindfulness teachers. 

Oxford Mindfulness Centre  (OMC)

The Oxford Mindfulness Centre, within the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, has been at the forefront of mindfulness research and training since 2008.

Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR)

Since 2004 Exeter have provided professional training for mindfulness teachers as well as conducting research. CEDAR offers training to teach and professional development courses to support mindfulness teachers.


The Mindfulness Network has been set up to to serve the mindfulness community and to advance the health and well-being of the general public.  Their web site contains information about teacher training, mindfulness-based supervison, mindfulness retreats, compassion training and retreats as well as an eight week distance learning MBSR course.

Good Practice Guidelines 

BAMBA evolved from the UK Network of Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations as it adapted to developments in field of mindfulness in the UK. ​The UK Network dates back to 2005, when mindfulness teachers from the Universities of Bangor, Oxford and Exeter and from Breathworks CIC and NHS Scotland, all of whom had been developing training programmes in response to the growing  demand for well-qualified teachers, came together to form a collaborative network to explore ways of working together to support and help shape the development of mindfulness in the UK.



EAMBA’s mission is to be a network connecting and inspiring associations (and associations in progress) of mindfulness professionals working with evidence-based secular programs. Mindfulness is a mode of being, which includes awareness, through attention being addressed to the body and mind, of new, wholesome perspectives of oneself and others, thus bringing greater wisdom and compassion to oneself and society.


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